Sunday, September 30, 2007

Weekly Milage Report: September 23rd - September 30th

Monday: 5 Miles
Tuesday: off
Wednesday: 6 Miles
Thursday: X-Training Walking
Friday: 3 Miles
Saturday: Off
Sunday: 20 Miles
Total Miles Ran this Week: 34 Miles
Total Miles Suggested Per Matrix: 22 Miles

Friday, September 28, 2007

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Weekly Milage Report: Sep 16th - Sep 23rd

Monday: Off
Tuesday: Cross
Wednesday: 8 Miles
Thursday: Off
Friday: 6 Miles
Saturday: 12 Miles
Sunday: 4 Miles
Total Miles Ran this Week: 30
Total Suggested per Matrix: 30

I Take The Long Way Home...

This 5 + mile route has been my home for the last
several months. I know each divot in the road,
every scar and every place where
doggies like to poop.

I know where I am most likely to get hit my a car, and
where I am most apt to get honked at
by passing truck drivers.

I thought I would share some photos...

My 5 + Mile Route

Let's Start at the Very Beginning...
a very good place to start

Franklin St...

Penobscott Ave

Spruce St

Main Ave
"Mary Lou"
(Yes, I name my hills)

Main Ave Continued. . .

Maple St

Looking Down Lincoln Ave

Lincoln Ave Continued

Somerset St

West Porter Ave

It isn't an accident that I run by Mrs. Maureen's
(Mikki's Preschool)

Mrs. Maureen's...peaceful on a Sunday

Penobscott Street
(A slow, gradual, climb...awful)

Back up Franklin Street
Hill Name "Charlotte"

After a big climb its smooth for a while...
Franklin Street

An Awful Route 2 Intersection
I have Nicknamed "The Flattener"

Once you past the intersection, its not so bad...

Bridge Street (Go Figure)

River Street

Portland Street

Hancock Street

And Now for the Fun Part...

Up Lincoln Ave...

And Up...
(Hill Name: Oh My God This Hurts)

And Down Franklin Again...

Homeward Bound...

Sunday, September 16, 2007

The Dreaded 20 Miler...

was up this week. I obsessively planned my running week last Sunday because since school has started, running has sometimes had to take the 3rd row. So...planning was a must. Of course, even the best plans can suck. I ran 8 miles on hard that I couldn't wake up to do just a small 5 mile run on Tuesday morning before Mike left for work. Did I just let those 5 miles go by the wayside? No. I ran them the next night, on top of another 5 Mile run. So,I ran 10 miles. As usual, I go into a run thinking that 10 miles isn't too bad and I can start off at a fast pace. I was sprinting. By 6 miles, I was sure I was going to puke in the trash can next to the filtered water dispenser. I held my cookies, and finished it up. At 4:45 AM on Thursday morning, I started another 5 mile run, which was less than 10 hours since I had finished the vommity feeling run the night before. When you run at 4:45 here in Maine, its dark this time of year. You are running fast because of an innate feeling that "something" is going to get you. If I were in a city, I would worry about "someone" getting me. However, this is Rumford. I worry about getting sprayed by a skunk, or meeting a some other random rodent. I find only shadows and a stunning sunrise coming over the mountains. When I finished the run, I was satisfied, because it meant I could rest my legs for 72 hours before I was to run the Dreaded (insert cheesy horror movie music) 20 Miler on Sunday. I don't think I have gone 72 hours without running since starting this escapade in late April.

Can I just tell you that 72 hours really goes by fast. It does.

Today started later than previously thought (as usual). I always have this grand scheme of getting up ridiculously early and starting my run, but it almost never happens, so I don't know why I bother pretending. I do the Mommy thing for a bit. Get the kids up, fed, semi dressed....I pace a little while around the house. I eat. I pee, I pee again, and again. I drink some more coffee, and get dressed carefully, as if putting on armor before going into a battle. I pee again, and after stretching for about 10 minutes, you got it, I pee one more time. I grab my Gatorade, water, "Gu" (yes...that is what its called, if you can believe it), my MP3 player, and I am out the door.

I start, and realize its the hardest thing in the world to just start running sometimes.

During a long run, I usually try to get rid of any thoughts about the run itself. I don't count down miles (until the last one...but at that point I am usually counting every step), I don't think about form (or the lack there of), and I try NOT to think about the fact that I have to pee despite the 6 or 7 times I went before my run started.

However, this time, since it was such an important run, I wanted to think about all the things that I have learned or realized since my running journey began. This list is as follows:

1) I have learned, first and foremost, that nothing feels as awful to me as the first mile of a run, and nothing feels as good as the last mile.

2) I have realized there is never a more dangerous time in Rumford as right after services at the Catholic church end, and everyone is rushing to their cars and speeding off, undoubtedly off to commit yet another week of sins that they can repent for later. They drive off so fast...proving to me, again, that Catholic priests really are kind of scary.

3) I have learned that anyone who sees Rumford as "just" a poor, stinky, mill town, has never run down Lincoln Avenue from the tippy top. The mountains slowly reveal themselves as you descend, and you know, that just driving down the hill, you have missed it thousands of times. But running...running is like an unveiling every time, and I am so thankful whenever I see it, that I live here.

4) I have discovered that Sunday mornings are the time when all the police cars get washed and cleaned out, and that this whole process takes approximately 2 hours. There is one thing you can say about our police force...they have some very clean cars.

5) I have learned that there is SOMEONE on Maple Street that cooks the most delicious smelling breakfast every day. Because I smell it on early morning run, and one of these days I swear I am just going to knock on their door for a sausage link.

6) I have realized that the dogs on my route no longer consider me a threat. They don't even bark at me anymore...they just watch carefully as I jog by them...I think I saw one roll his eyes today in annoyance. Those Alaskan Malamutes on the way back up Lincoln Ave are such smart asses.

7) I have learned to be more proud of what my body can do, and less concerned about my vanity. (Because let me tell you, guys, there isn't anyone who looks good at the end of running 20 miles) And spandex may look awful on anyone, but they are some serious gear, that in my opinion, is a must have.

8) I have discovered that I stick my tongue out if I am running down a hill. That must look intelligent.

9) I get 20 miles, I get it. I am a runner now.

10) I have learned that I get kind of teary on my last mile. Not because I am in pain...because I cried about that back on mile 13, but because I am so, so happy that I am almost done, and that I am so thankful that I have the opportunity and the ability to do something so crazy.

Weekly Mileage Report

Monday: 8 miles
Tuesday: off
Wednesday:10 Miles
Thursday:5 Miles
Saturday: Off
Sunday:20 Miles (3:26:44)
Total Miles Ran This Week: 43 Miles
Total Suggested per Matrix: 43 Miles

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Weekly Milage Report: September 3rd-September 9th

Monday: 5 Miles
Tuesday: Cross Training (walking)
Wednesday: 10 Miles
Thursday: Off
Friday: 5 Miles
Saturday: 8 Miles
Sunday: 10 Miles
Total Miles Ran this Week: 38 Miles
Total Miles Suggested per Matrix: 42 Miles

Saturday, September 8, 2007

I Booked the Room...

Non-refundable. No turning back.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Lets Say for a Minute, that I was Running 18 Miles...

what would I be thinking during those 18 Miles? After all...this is over 3 hours of running, and listening to my MP3 player with the SAME list of songs on it over and over, is only amusing for just so long. So...I did run over 18 miles today, and let me tell you what was going on in my head. Disclaimer: I take no responsibility for my personal thoughts during long runs, so if you care to confront me about my said thoughts, I probably will be more likely to take your side than I will be to take my own.

Thoughts...Mile by Mile...

Mile 1: Gosh, what a perfect day. What if I find out that I can't do 18 miles. Then what?
Mile 2: By mile 12, I am really going to hate this hill, but now, its not so bad.
Mile 3: Dear God, if I could wish for one thing, it would be for you to make my feet go numb, and my legs. Please, Please do this for me.
Mile 4: Oh...that car looks different. I bet the man that lives there is cheating on his wife, and that is the "other woman's" car. Oh wait, its got dealer plate, maybe they just got a new car.
Mile 5: I hate it when these people have a yard sale and set up their crap right on the sidewalk.
Mile 6: I really like the Honda Pilot.
Mile 7: I wonder if I could even park a Honda Pilot.
Mile 8: I couldn't even afford the gas for a Honda Pilot.
Mile 9: Oh Fuck, my feet went numb! Why did they do that?!? I bet they are going to get black and fall off.
Mile 10: Hmmm....I don't have to pee anymore, I wonder if I peed myself.
Mile 11: (Seeing a kid come off a path from a woodsy area) I bet that kid just smoked pot. If I could find his mother I would tell her.
Mile 12: I hate this fucking hill.
Mile 13: Old people should not be able to drive.
Mile 13.5: "You almost hit me you old bag" (middle finger employed) This was an actual statement.
Mile 14: Dunkin Donuts smells entirely too good. If I just went in there and sat down for another half hour and then walked home, Michael would never know the difference.
Mile 15: (Another hill) I wish I had stopped at Dunkin Donuts.
Mile 16: I don't think Catholic People are really going to heaven. I mean, look at their churches. Didn't Jesus say something about not hording all worldly goods and being humble. How is this church humble. My 4 year old calls is a castle for goodness sakes. She doesn't call a baptist church a castle, or any other church a castle. Yup. Catholics are definitly going to hell, because the size of their churches are just absurd, and that warrants a fiery after death experience.
Mile 17: I really wish Marshall Mathers (aka: Eminem) would stop bitching about his trailer park and his baby's mama problems. Until he has run this far, he doesn't know real pain.
Mile 18: Oh my God, I am done. Holy crap. I can't feel my legs. Oh Lord. Thank God that is over. I can't believe that I have to run 5 miles tomorrow. God, I smell. Phew. Done. I wonder how Heather is doing.

Weekly Mileage Report August 27th-September 2nd

Monday: 5 Miles
Tuesday: 5 Miles
Wednesday: 6.2 Miles
Thursday: 7.8 Miles
Friday: Cross Training: Walking 6 Miles
Saturday: Off
Sunday: 18.33 Miles
Total Miles Run this Week: 42.33 Miles
Total Suggested per Matrix: 42 Miles