Sunday, July 29, 2007

Weekly Mileage Report: July 23rd-July 29th

Monday: 4.04 Miles
Tuesday: 7 Miles
Wednesday: 4.04 Miles
Thursday: Cross Train; 30 minutes on Stepper
Friday: 10.10 Miles
Saturday: off
Sunday: 6.06 Miles
Total Miles Ran: 31.24 Miles
Recommended Miles Per Matrix: 31 Miles

Sunday, July 22, 2007

14 Miles....More than Half Way to a Marathon....

This week brought a mini 14 mile run, which is over halfway the length of a marathon. (26.2 miles) The last 2 miles, I did think it was a possibility that I would keel over on the side of the road from exhaustion. However, as I approached my house I realized that I had, somehow, triumphed over the shin splints and hip pain, and found a way to push through and finish.

When my husband looked at me with "the look" (a combination of worry and thinking that I am borderline insane), I knew I must have looked bad. "Do you think you could get out and run 10 more miles right now?" He asked. "No", I said, "but in another 12 weeks, I will be ready, and I will finish". He smiled in support.

Mini milestones happen in everyones life from time to time, and I am about to hit another one. On Wednesday, I will be 27 years old. That sounds old to me. Twenty-seven...27....2 and 7 together. That seems like an age of a fun aunt, or a fun new teacher...not the age of a woman who is still going to school, still likes her hip hugging jeans and shiny lip gloss, keeps in contact with all of her friends from high school, still reads Cosmo and Glamor like its the Bible, and is training to run in a marathon. But, then again...I am an aunt (proudly became one for the first time this December), a wife, a mother of 2 little girls; I knit, I sew, I cook, I kiss bo-bo's, I pay bills, I have stretch marks....(this is said in a school girl voice)I am like, adult and stuff. I realize...this Marathon isn't just a goal for me, its my mini life crisis of sorts. A grasp at the straws of my youth perhaps. is the weekly mileage report on the "Crisis" to mark this Sunday....

4 miles
Tuesday: cross for 9.5 miles.
Wednesday: 6.06 Miles
Thursday: 4.04 Miles
Friday: Off
Saturday: 14.14 Miles
Sunday: 6.06 Miles
Total Miles Ran this Week: 34. 30 miles
Total Miles Suggested per Matrix: 32 Miles

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

10 Things I have Learned about Running so Far...

10. People will not stop for you even if you are in the middle of the crosswalk, have bright colored clothing on, and are flailing your arms wildly so you hope they will notice you.

9. Yes, drinking does effect how you run in the morning, don't over do it. (again)

8. People let their dogs defecate wear ever they want and they don't pick it up.

7. Apparently, on Saturday's, its okay for you to set up your lawn sale on a city sidewalk and stand there in the middle of it so no one can pass.

6. I am not satisfied with my run unless its better than the last run in some way.

5. Taking a day off from running really feels amazing, but all I do is think about running anyway.

4. Paying a babysitter $10.00 an hour so you can go running is pathetic...but I have done it twice now.

3. Yes, your body can go back to the way it was before you had that second just takes a ridiculous amount of work.

2. A string of good music on your Ipod can take you to a whole new level.

1. I have learned that nothing feels as good as being done with your daily run.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Weekly Mileage Report: July 9th-July 15th

Monday: 4.04 Miles
Tuesday: Cross Training: Bike 10 Miles
Wednesday: 6.06 Miles
Thursday: 4.04 Miles
Friday: off
Saturday: 12.12 Miles
Sunday: 8.08 Miles
Total Miles Ran: 34.34 Miles
Total Suggested Per Matrix: 31 Miles

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

"Yeah...I am that girl you see running EVERY DAY....

multiple times around town." I am. Yup....that's me. That crazy gal who runs around and around and you might think is lost, is me. But at the post office and lady at the Halmark store, do not fear, for I am not insane, just going about my usual two mile loop. "Now why would you run in a loop like that?" Well...for starters, I really like the familiarity of one route because I know if I don't get to a certain spot by a certain time on my stop watch, than I am going too slow and need to pick it up. Next, I am relatively new to running these distances, so if I get hurt, I don't want to have too far to crawl home. And finally...I am nosy. I like going by these people's homes multiple times because they are interesting. I know that the guys from the nursing home will be out at 3:35pm and will sit out for a half hour and chat about the weather and how they had to walk up a hill both ways to school. I know that the lady who works at Hannaford will be visiting her mum at around 4:15 when she gets out of work. I know that SAME F-ing kid on Lincoln Ave will be riding his bike on the sidewalk AGAIN and he will be wobbly and shaky and I will desperately fear a collision so much that I actually go to the other side of the road at the mere sight of him. And finally, I get to listen to the sounds of my own home as I run by. Our happy little home with Mikki saying something so loudly I can hear her 3 blocks away, or sometimes I can hear Katie happily babbling, or not so happily as is sometimes the case. I run by, and do it again, and again, and again, and this Saturday, I will run by 6 times. So, people of booming metropolis that I call is me...the girl who runs. Don't worry, if you miss seeing me on the first or second lap, I will catch you the next time around.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Weekly Mileage Report: July 2 - July 8

Weekly Mileage Report: July 2-July 8

Monday: 4.16 Miles
Tuesday: Cross Training- Biked 10 Miles
Wednesday: 6.06 Miles
Thursday:4.04 Miles
Friday: Off
Saturday: 8.08 Miles
Sunday: 6.06 Miles
Total Miles Ran : 28.04 Miles
Total Suggested Mileage Per Matrix: 24 Miles

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Weekly Mileage Report: June 25th - July 1st

Weekly Mileage Report: June 25th - July 1st

Monday: 4.16 Miles
Tuesday: Cross Training...6 Mile Walk
Wednesday: 6.24 Miles
Thursday: 4.16 Miles
Friday: Off
Saturday: 10.40 Miles
Sunday: 4.16 Miles
Total Mileage Ran: 29.12 Miles
Total Recommended Mileage per Matrix: 27 Miles